Thursday, April 19, 2012

What hiring managers look for on candidates social media

As we all know, employers are beginning to look at social media accounts when considering a candidate to work for their company. Most consider this a negative thing but many can actually benefit.  Many do not realize what employers are looking for. Many hiring managers have actually hired employees based on their social media sites. Some employers like the way candidates portrayed themselves on sites such as Facebook and linked in. Most of us typically think employers are going to look at every bad aspect of our social media.  Managers have hired employees after reviewing their social media accounts based on the following criteria:

·         Showing their personality on social networks
·         Conveying a professional image
·         Providing background info that is supported by professional qualifications
·         Showing a wide range of interests
·         Displaying communication skills
·         Being creative
·         Having other people post references about you

There are many employers who decline job offers because of social media. Many reasons for not accepting a person based on their social media account include negative images, bad mouthing previous employer, images of drinking and drug use, and poor communication skills. Although most disagree with employers looking at their social media accounts, they can actually benefit from it. If you social media account has appropriate images and shows you can communicate effectively with others it may give you an advantage when being considered for a job.  So all things considered, having a company look at your social media site may be beneficial to you getting a job.


  1. Wow, I had never really thought about the use of social media sites as giving positive feedback and reassurance to employers, but that is an excellent way to sell yourself. As long as you monitor your Facebook or other social network on a daily basis it is almost like a visual resume that can give future employers an inside look at who you are in a different way than a boring paper resume.

  2. I really liked the information that you provided in this post! This is information that everyone should know about and only adds to the persuasive speeches that Mike and I did on this topic. As long as you monitor your Facebook you will be fine in getting a job and should not have to worry about it. Although these companies should not even be allowed to look into our Facebook accounts in the first place. But overall this is a great post with very useful information!

  3. Well, that just goes to show that social sites can either give that extra edge in the job market field or possibly tank it. I like how you gave examples of what the employers are looking for, it'll help anyone who reads this if they decide to start monitoring their sites.

  4. This is a very informative post, it should help people better understand how to maintain their social media.
