Friday, February 10, 2012

The Camry Effect

 Twitter users were bombarded with spam from Toyotas, "Camry Effect a Friend Giveaway" on the days leading up to the super bowl. Users that tweeted matters relating to the super bowl received the spam. Many users that didn't tweet about the super bowl reported Toyota spam. After several complaints the accounts were shut down. Toyotas social media manager replied to all users saying, “We apologize to anyone in the Twitter-verse who received an unwanted @reply over the past few days. We were excited to share the message of our Camry Effect campaign in a new way and it was never our intention to displease anyone. We’ve certainly learned from this experience and have suspended the accounts effective immediately to avoid any additional issues.” Toyota is taking full blame for the twitter spam. I don’t think this is such a big deal just more of a nuisance. Toyota resolved the situation by taking full blame and that’s all they can do in this situation.


  1. This is a very interesting story. I had not heard anything about this since I do not have a Twitter, but I do know that it is very annoying to get any sort of spam at all. Hopefully Toyota will learn from its mistake and not let this happen again.

  2. Since I have a Twitter account, I received the spam and it was quite the hassle. But I feel that since Toyota did take full responsibility for the spam and apologized as well really helped promote their image of taking responsibility for what their company does.
